Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pickerington Ponds MP

I've really enjoyed shooting the last couple weeks, but have not had much birding opportunity.  A friend, suffering from an injury, wanted to go to the park.  So, off we we went.  It got hot early!  It's late June in Ohio so the best birding is grassland birds, or in our case, Great Blue Herons.   We went to Pickerington Ponds Metro Parks in Columbus.

Started off seeing Mockingbird fledglings.  We could also hear a Common Yellowthroat, but as usual for these guys, he was hiding deep in the brush.

On to another area where there was a very active Great Blue Heron Rookery.

We took a walk around to the back side of the rookery and in the field we saw lots of Red-wing Blackbird.

We also could hear a Chat out in the field, but he never showed himself.  What else is new!  While watching for a glimpse of the chat we had a lovely Field Sparrow and Song Sparrow singing for our attention.

After the ranger stopped by and told us where he had seen a Baltimore oriole nest, we decided to head to a different tail.  As we walk back we had several GBH flybys!

I was so excited to see a few of them come out!

We did not find the Baltimore Oriole, but enjoyed the trail none-the-less!  We did flush a family of Pheasants.

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